Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Last two things b4 the 2006 JC1 relli Ends!!!!
1) Chinese Paper
2) Project Work
Talking about Chinese paper , it is getting closer. The paper is on 3/11 which is very very near.... and of course i am busy reading al sort of chinese things....The Stupid project work oso give me a headache .... coz i haven finish my i&r and at the same time had to prepare for the oral presentation as well as my chinese papers....it relli tired me out...these days i am like hunger to stay at my bed forever but that couldn't be done right? i had to go to my group member's house to do the op like almost everyday since there is no school already.... n most irritating is that i think i am goin to get a sorethroat .....hope i am not that unlucky (pray) ....
Talking about the op , Sengyen's is on 8 nov and me and Eng Aik is on 9 nov ...wat a coincidence!!!! and we both need to present in the afternoon....wow so you yuan!!!!
So in here i would like to Wish SY and EA.... GOood Luck For Ur op!!! and EA for ur chinese EXAM tooo!!!
2) Project Work
Talking about Chinese paper , it is getting closer. The paper is on 3/11 which is very very near.... and of course i am busy reading al sort of chinese things....The Stupid project work oso give me a headache .... coz i haven finish my i&r and at the same time had to prepare for the oral presentation as well as my chinese papers....it relli tired me out...these days i am like hunger to stay at my bed forever but that couldn't be done right? i had to go to my group member's house to do the op like almost everyday since there is no school already.... n most irritating is that i think i am goin to get a sorethroat .....hope i am not that unlucky (pray) ....
Talking about the op , Sengyen's is on 8 nov and me and Eng Aik is on 9 nov ...wat a coincidence!!!! and we both need to present in the afternoon....wow so you yuan!!!!
So in here i would like to Wish SY and EA.... GOood Luck For Ur op!!! and EA for ur chinese EXAM tooo!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
反醒 moment now...
Promo had ended like almost two weeks liao.... n our results are all out of course and i did not well....n i knew that is my fault since the paper is kinda easy...so i had to brush up a lot of stuff during the holidays therfore no playing or enjoying for me during the hols ( sad but couldn't complain ) i am lucky that i passed the criteria for promotion to JC2 after calculating the overall mark. Hai~ scared that A level cannot make it lor now....hope everything just goes well in the following yr and hope my laziness shld go away by now....
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Punggol is COOL O.o
Sunday 15 oct 2006
I had a lot of new experience and interesting meetings today except that we are doin pw.
1. melvin's house
2. punggol interchange
3. First time saw and took a ride in a lrt
4. punggol's fire station is so big
5. the punggol's mrt station's sensor door is so cool and nice design(layering)
6. the scene is so beautiful ( even though there is haze)
7. the flat even had a roof top garden ( this is the funny part...where okky was so confused that melvin's house was like the first floor instead of seventh floor)
8. we even took down a video of the lrt's ride
9. many more now cannot remember but i noe still got a lot....
I had a lot of new experience and interesting meetings today except that we are doin pw.
1. melvin's house
2. punggol interchange
3. First time saw and took a ride in a lrt
4. punggol's fire station is so big
5. the punggol's mrt station's sensor door is so cool and nice design(layering)
6. the scene is so beautiful ( even though there is haze)
7. the flat even had a roof top garden ( this is the funny part...where okky was so confused that melvin's house was like the first floor instead of seventh floor)
8. we even took down a video of the lrt's ride
9. many more now cannot remember but i noe still got a lot....
Monday, October 09, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
眼见主管都已经火冒三丈了,永远保有一颗赤子之心的他,却能完全忽视主管的怒气。往往可以听到他还能问你一句...『喔,原来是这样子ㄛ,我还以为是…ㄟ…』,然后笑呵呵的面对你。 见他毫不在意的表情,真想搥扁他,但是他一付傻笑的模样,却会使你哭笑不得。
固执而倔强的金牛座,是个难以沟通的下属,即使正确答案已告诉他千万遍,他可能还会说『喔…我知道呀,可是为什么不能也这样做呢?…』依然固持自己的想法。 面对怒气冲天的主管,他会很有耐心的听完主管的臭骂,但事后却又无法理解主管想表达的意思,彷佛对牛弹琴一般。
辩才无碍的双子座,恐怕是主管眼中的一根刺,永远有说不完的理由。对主管的怒骂,他是完全不放在眼里;你越是对他大声,他越是对你大吼。 对他来说,『失去工作事小,这次骂输你才是丢了面子』。
生性羞怯的巨蟹座,在知道自己犯错时,心里早就忐忑不安;走进主管办公室,还来不及等主管开口教训,就已泪眼横流,早打算哭到你骂完为止。 一面听你训话,一面忙着说对不起,频频点头道歉的可怜样,让主管实在狠不下心骂下去。
一向温和沉着的天秤座,面对主管的怒气,他会沉着应对,尽量保有他一贯的绅士风度。 『没关系,现在先让你骂个够,等会如果让我找出我没错的证据,我一定要让你向我道歉』。
防卫心极强的天蝎座,会冷眼的面对主管的严厉责备;但是你可能不知道他的背后老早就藏好一根要命的毒刺。 『好,你竟敢这般的羞辱我,别让我找到你的把柄,否则我会让你死得很难看。嘿嘿……』
眼见主管都已经火冒三丈了,永远保有一颗赤子之心的他,却能完全忽视主管的怒气。往往可以听到他还能问你一句...『喔,原来是这样子ㄛ,我还以为是…ㄟ…』,然后笑呵呵的面对你。 见他毫不在意的表情,真想搥扁他,但是他一付傻笑的模样,却会使你哭笑不得。
固执而倔强的金牛座,是个难以沟通的下属,即使正确答案已告诉他千万遍,他可能还会说『喔…我知道呀,可是为什么不能也这样做呢?…』依然固持自己的想法。 面对怒气冲天的主管,他会很有耐心的听完主管的臭骂,但事后却又无法理解主管想表达的意思,彷佛对牛弹琴一般。
辩才无碍的双子座,恐怕是主管眼中的一根刺,永远有说不完的理由。对主管的怒骂,他是完全不放在眼里;你越是对他大声,他越是对你大吼。 对他来说,『失去工作事小,这次骂输你才是丢了面子』。
生性羞怯的巨蟹座,在知道自己犯错时,心里早就忐忑不安;走进主管办公室,还来不及等主管开口教训,就已泪眼横流,早打算哭到你骂完为止。 一面听你训话,一面忙着说对不起,频频点头道歉的可怜样,让主管实在狠不下心骂下去。
一向温和沉着的天秤座,面对主管的怒气,他会沉着应对,尽量保有他一贯的绅士风度。 『没关系,现在先让你骂个够,等会如果让我找出我没错的证据,我一定要让你向我道歉』。
防卫心极强的天蝎座,会冷眼的面对主管的严厉责备;但是你可能不知道他的背后老早就藏好一根要命的毒刺。 『好,你竟敢这般的羞辱我,别让我找到你的把柄,否则我会让你死得很难看。嘿嘿……』
白羊座 白羊座绝不是没有金钱运的人。也因此,拥有大笔金钱的可能性极大,在收入方面财运也极佳,会凭自己的力量努力赚钱。但因为花钱花得很凶,所以实在很难留下什么钱在手边。总之,白羊座的人就是那种有多少花多少的金钱观念。
金牛座 仿佛是你的命运一般,金牛座的人天生就有很强的金钱运。可是这个运势指的不是你会大发横财,或是咬着金汤匙出生,而是指金牛座的人天生就有一种对金钱的敏锐嗅觉,这是与生俱来的特质。要说得具体一点,就是你可以找到最便宜的店,或是存很多的钱的能力。因此只要你在这一方面持续不停地节约过日,埋头苦干地储蓄,将来一定能累积相当数目的财产。
双子座 对金钱没有概念是双子座最大的特征。因此,你金钱运一定处于变化剧烈的状态。双子座的人天生拥有商业方面的才能,所以收入可能比周遭的人还要多。另一方面,在自己的本行之外,你可能有时还会兼个差,或是在家里做个副业,有了这些虽然总数不多、可是相当定期的额外收入,你的钱包可能会胀得鼓鼓的。另一方面,虽然你本身并没有特别要求,可是你的知已或好友也会不定时地帮你带来一些机会,而且这种状况还不少。
巨蟹座 巨蟹座的人有储蓄天分,靠存钱的方式确实可以累积财富。你本身就有收集事物的偏好,收集金钱当然更没话说。建议你在今年之内,花点时间寻找金融市场上的投资商品。每种组合都试过一次也无妨,用小额投资赚取小额利润。这就足够让你体会投资赚钱之乐了。类似这种持续的小额进帐,最后会累积成相当可观的金额,这就是你最稳当的理财之道。之后,把它运用在你所爱的家人身上,这就是你最大的幸福。
狮子座 狮子座的人,会把金钱视为人生中掌握成功的一种道具。由于对成功具有强烈的执着心,所以金钱是不可或缺的重要道具。虽然是一个不折不扣的拼命三郎,也是努力工作的抢钱一族。另外,所赚到的钱并不会乖乖地存起来,反而会进行各种运用方式。
处女座 处女座的人原本就是一丝不苟、有条有理的性格。即使在金钱方面,也是这样相当神经质的性格。对于每天金钱的开支,会一毛不少地仔细确认, 每个月都会存一笔固定数目的款项,并且计算着一年后、二年后甚至十年后的存款而储蓄。能够将金钱管理得非常确实,可说是处女座在有关金钱方面最大的特征。
天秤座 天秤座的人财运不错。跟一般人比起来,大多数天秤座在工作上的收入都算满高的,所以你在财务方面很少遇到麻烦,经济上也很稳定,生活无虑。这种安稳或许跟你自我平衡的天性有关,有种中庸的力量一直在影响你量入为出,所以就算想过得奢华一点,也不至于变得浪费无度。
天蝎座 你命中的金钱运,实在是好得不得了。要不就是亲族之间有人忽然留下遗产给你,或者是受到企业大亨的关照而财源滚滚,再不就是因为结婚而拥有一大笔钱……总之,就是你的金钱运太旺盛了。从来都不需要辛苦忙碌地去赚钱,实在是极受上天眷顾的人生啊。
射手座 射手座的人,金钱运经常起起落落。当有大笔收入时,射手座往往会马上花光,一点也不觉得可惜。所以经常游走在贫富之间,生活落差很大。由于射手座的人热爱自由,处事态度随性所至,因此在金钱方面也是任意花用,毫无计划。而且除了本职之外,还会利用赌博之类具高度风险的方法来赚钱。
摩羯座 摩羯座的人年轻时和金钱没什么缘份。年纪越大金钱运越好,是你的金钱运的特征。摩羯座的人非常吝啬。其他人一个礼拜花的金额,摩羯座的人可以活一个月,这就是他厉害的地方。只要是不必要的东西,他绝对一文钱也不会掏出来,节俭到甚至不顾人情世故的地步。买个东西,一定要找到最便宜的店,即使只便宜一元也好,杀价更是你最拿手。
水瓶座 水瓶座的人金钱运不能以安定两个字来形容。严格说来,你的确是有些好运气,也常常有因为努力工作而赚大笔金钱的时候,然而,穷到喝西北风的日子也是不少。水瓶座的人对金钱从来就不觉得有什么价值感可言。在你的人生之中,最重要的事情就是精神上是否能获得满足。要你为了赚钱而拼死拼活是绝对不可能的事情。你当然明白没有钱就没有办法过生活。只不过,在你精神至上主义的想法之下,贪穷的生活对你来说还是可以获得另一番贫穷生活的乐趣。
双鱼座 双鱼座的人中,有钱的人并不多,并不是因为财神爷不照顾他们,或是天生财运就不佳。主要是因为双鱼座的人不擅理财,没什么经济概念。其实只要是喜欢的工作,双鱼座的人就会埋首其中,想拥有财富并非难事。但是太容易相信别人,而且又喜欢帮助人,看见人家穷就忍不住想拿钱出来助人,别人向你借钱也不好意思拒绝,结果赚来的钱都被骗光了。又喜欢赌博或投资,让自己损失惨重。
金牛座 仿佛是你的命运一般,金牛座的人天生就有很强的金钱运。可是这个运势指的不是你会大发横财,或是咬着金汤匙出生,而是指金牛座的人天生就有一种对金钱的敏锐嗅觉,这是与生俱来的特质。要说得具体一点,就是你可以找到最便宜的店,或是存很多的钱的能力。因此只要你在这一方面持续不停地节约过日,埋头苦干地储蓄,将来一定能累积相当数目的财产。
双子座 对金钱没有概念是双子座最大的特征。因此,你金钱运一定处于变化剧烈的状态。双子座的人天生拥有商业方面的才能,所以收入可能比周遭的人还要多。另一方面,在自己的本行之外,你可能有时还会兼个差,或是在家里做个副业,有了这些虽然总数不多、可是相当定期的额外收入,你的钱包可能会胀得鼓鼓的。另一方面,虽然你本身并没有特别要求,可是你的知已或好友也会不定时地帮你带来一些机会,而且这种状况还不少。
巨蟹座 巨蟹座的人有储蓄天分,靠存钱的方式确实可以累积财富。你本身就有收集事物的偏好,收集金钱当然更没话说。建议你在今年之内,花点时间寻找金融市场上的投资商品。每种组合都试过一次也无妨,用小额投资赚取小额利润。这就足够让你体会投资赚钱之乐了。类似这种持续的小额进帐,最后会累积成相当可观的金额,这就是你最稳当的理财之道。之后,把它运用在你所爱的家人身上,这就是你最大的幸福。
狮子座 狮子座的人,会把金钱视为人生中掌握成功的一种道具。由于对成功具有强烈的执着心,所以金钱是不可或缺的重要道具。虽然是一个不折不扣的拼命三郎,也是努力工作的抢钱一族。另外,所赚到的钱并不会乖乖地存起来,反而会进行各种运用方式。
处女座 处女座的人原本就是一丝不苟、有条有理的性格。即使在金钱方面,也是这样相当神经质的性格。对于每天金钱的开支,会一毛不少地仔细确认, 每个月都会存一笔固定数目的款项,并且计算着一年后、二年后甚至十年后的存款而储蓄。能够将金钱管理得非常确实,可说是处女座在有关金钱方面最大的特征。
天秤座 天秤座的人财运不错。跟一般人比起来,大多数天秤座在工作上的收入都算满高的,所以你在财务方面很少遇到麻烦,经济上也很稳定,生活无虑。这种安稳或许跟你自我平衡的天性有关,有种中庸的力量一直在影响你量入为出,所以就算想过得奢华一点,也不至于变得浪费无度。
天蝎座 你命中的金钱运,实在是好得不得了。要不就是亲族之间有人忽然留下遗产给你,或者是受到企业大亨的关照而财源滚滚,再不就是因为结婚而拥有一大笔钱……总之,就是你的金钱运太旺盛了。从来都不需要辛苦忙碌地去赚钱,实在是极受上天眷顾的人生啊。
射手座 射手座的人,金钱运经常起起落落。当有大笔收入时,射手座往往会马上花光,一点也不觉得可惜。所以经常游走在贫富之间,生活落差很大。由于射手座的人热爱自由,处事态度随性所至,因此在金钱方面也是任意花用,毫无计划。而且除了本职之外,还会利用赌博之类具高度风险的方法来赚钱。
摩羯座 摩羯座的人年轻时和金钱没什么缘份。年纪越大金钱运越好,是你的金钱运的特征。摩羯座的人非常吝啬。其他人一个礼拜花的金额,摩羯座的人可以活一个月,这就是他厉害的地方。只要是不必要的东西,他绝对一文钱也不会掏出来,节俭到甚至不顾人情世故的地步。买个东西,一定要找到最便宜的店,即使只便宜一元也好,杀价更是你最拿手。
水瓶座 水瓶座的人金钱运不能以安定两个字来形容。严格说来,你的确是有些好运气,也常常有因为努力工作而赚大笔金钱的时候,然而,穷到喝西北风的日子也是不少。水瓶座的人对金钱从来就不觉得有什么价值感可言。在你的人生之中,最重要的事情就是精神上是否能获得满足。要你为了赚钱而拼死拼活是绝对不可能的事情。你当然明白没有钱就没有办法过生活。只不过,在你精神至上主义的想法之下,贪穷的生活对你来说还是可以获得另一番贫穷生活的乐趣。
双鱼座 双鱼座的人中,有钱的人并不多,并不是因为财神爷不照顾他们,或是天生财运就不佳。主要是因为双鱼座的人不擅理财,没什么经济概念。其实只要是喜欢的工作,双鱼座的人就会埋首其中,想拥有财富并非难事。但是太容易相信别人,而且又喜欢帮助人,看见人家穷就忍不住想拿钱出来助人,别人向你借钱也不好意思拒绝,结果赚来的钱都被骗光了。又喜欢赌博或投资,让自己损失惨重。
Monday, September 18, 2006
Have a glance at my PROMO timetable...
Tampines Junior College
2006 JC 1 Promotional Examination (Revised)
20 Sept 06*Wednesday
Chinese B Paper 1(20) / Malay B Paper 1(3)
Chinese B Paper 2 (20)/ Malay B Paper 2 (3)
H1 Chinese (546) / H1 Malay (94) / H1 Tamil (24)
H2 Chinese Paper 1 (22) / H2 Malay Paper 1(46) / H2 Tamil Paper 1 (2)
29 Sept 06 Friday
General Paper 1 ((862)
General Paper 2
H2 Knowledge and Inquiry (7)
H1 Economics (462)
H2 Economics (276)
2 Oct 06 Monday
H1 Chemistry (51)
H2 Chemistry (619 )
H1 General Studies in Chinese (11)
H1 Art (6)
H2 Art (12)
3 Oct 06 Tuesday
H1 Physics (62)
H2 Physics Paper 2 (452)
H1 English Literature (55)
H2 English Literature Paper 1(85)
4 Oct 06 Wednesday
H1 Mathematics (77)
H2 Mathematics (767)
H1 Geography (79)
H2 Geography Paper 1 (73)
5 Oct 06 Thursday
H1 Biology (22)
H2 Biology (172)
H1 History (28)
H2 History (49)
6 Oct 06 Friday
H2 Geography Paper 2 (73)
H2 Computing (20)
H2 English Literature Paper 4 (85)
9 Oct 06 Monday
H2 Physics Paper 1 (452)
H2 Chinese Paper 2(22) / H2 Malay Paper 2(46) / H2 Tamil Paper 2 (2)
2006 JC 1 Promotional Examination (Revised)
20 Sept 06*Wednesday
Chinese B Paper 1(20) / Malay B Paper 1(3)
Chinese B Paper 2 (20)/ Malay B Paper 2 (3)
H1 Chinese (546) / H1 Malay (94) / H1 Tamil (24)
H2 Chinese Paper 1 (22) / H2 Malay Paper 1(46) / H2 Tamil Paper 1 (2)
29 Sept 06 Friday
General Paper 1 ((862)
General Paper 2
H2 Knowledge and Inquiry (7)
H1 Economics (462)
H2 Economics (276)
2 Oct 06 Monday
H1 Chemistry (51)
H2 Chemistry (619 )
H1 General Studies in Chinese (11)
H1 Art (6)
H2 Art (12)
3 Oct 06 Tuesday
H1 Physics (62)
H2 Physics Paper 2 (452)
H1 English Literature (55)
H2 English Literature Paper 1(85)
4 Oct 06 Wednesday
H1 Mathematics (77)
H2 Mathematics (767)
H1 Geography (79)
H2 Geography Paper 1 (73)
5 Oct 06 Thursday
H1 Biology (22)
H2 Biology (172)
H1 History (28)
H2 History (49)
6 Oct 06 Friday
H2 Geography Paper 2 (73)
H2 Computing (20)
H2 English Literature Paper 4 (85)
9 Oct 06 Monday
H2 Physics Paper 1 (452)
H2 Chinese Paper 2(22) / H2 Malay Paper 2(46) / H2 Tamil Paper 2 (2)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Just a little survey
Name 20 ppl u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below questions before you write and tag 5 ppl to do this survey.
1 stella
2 susan
3 seng yen
4 lay hao
5 yan zhi
6 masselia
7 erwina
8 fannie
9 ying zhen
10 shu hui
11 holly
12 yong huan
13 kia kgoon
14 yu chen
15 li song
16 hakim
17 benjamin
18 yong nian
19 ronale
20 okky
Actually I got many ppl in my head ..but since u guys only wrote 20 then here’s the twenty ppl that blinks or maybe pops up in my head….
How did you meet 14?
I met her when the teacher ask everyone to introduce ourselves to the class. She is the first girl to say out her name since she sat on the first row and the first person counting from the left.
What would you do if you never met 1?
Maybe I will be a bit regret… cos she is the smartest, brilliant girl on EARTH!!! Actually I dunno wat will I do if I never met her…maybe I will not have any best fren which is as good as her. Without her maybe i will not survive through o level.....haha...
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
HAHA… that’s my first impression..i think it will be a great combination but not really will exist….
Did you ever like 19?
of course not. I will rather commit suicide…
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
I think they will make a good couple but too bad the no. 17 guy already got someone else in mind haha…
Describe 3.
Haha... I knew him in Form 1, He could be said is the first person I know who had the birthday date on 6/6 other than my sis and my dad. He is an intelligent, responsible , with good leadership guy. He likes to eat HOT stuff but then don’t like all kind of chilli sauces.. I think he is a bit weird in this sense….I think he had become much thinner and slimmer and more nice looking after staying in singapore for sometime….He is very gossipy sometimes. I think he likes chem very much… “HE is currently my closest friend in Singapore. He is in SAJC.” (this part is same as sy’s)
Do you think 8 is attractive?
Well quite attractive. But I only think it is ok …but dunno y many guys are falling for her…. I think u guys must be saying me that I am jealous of her but then it is not cos I know I got my own mei li n the guys that is falling for her is not nice either…I think she is a bit secretive and is hiding sth although she look kinda innocent….
Tell me something about 7?
I think she is a sociable girl with a lots of frens out ther…. She likes her boyfren very much….n she had a best fren which is a guy n she share most of the her secrets with him….She also share secrets wif me, n of course no one knew it except me ..not even her best fren cos she trusted me…but I don’t like the responsibilty of keeping secrets but then I will not say it out no matter wat…. She loves sport…n enthusiasm is all over her ..she is so energetic..her favourite sport is ROCK climbing…I am scared of this game…haha…
Do you know any of 12's family?
Not really. I just knew her only for the first few months but I think she had a brother and sister if I am not wrong.
What's 4's favourite?
She loves hong kong drama series….n also she likes the keropok which had her name on it ( LAY’S)
What would you do if 13 confesses that he/she likes you?
I would be very happy to hear that …………but not the kind of like which can surprised me haha I think u all noe wat I meant here….
What language does 15 speak?
Mostly chinese. He of course can speak ENGLISH. And he can speak hokkien too.
Who is 9 going out with?
Nobody? I dunno … maybe got..u noe la..everything is possible u noe..haha…
How old is 16 now?
As old as SY
When was the last time you talked to 11?
I think is the day before holiday when we just finish roaming and took neoprint in TM
Who's 2 favourite band/singer?
Erm... not reli sure..could be sam lee since stella said so. Sorry cos I didn’t get to update her profile in my dict….
Would you date 10?
I don’t think so…cos she is a girl…
What's 5's last name?
ZHI. She is a girl who loves to stone…..
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 18?
No no no. I think I will go crazy if it really comes true… but phew cos he had sb in mind liao ..haha
What school does 17 go to?
TPJC. My classmate and also my ex partner in the partnership game which is a failure….
Where does 6 live?
Singapore….Just in front of my school (tpjc)…she walks to school everyday..same as me!!! J
What's your favourite thing about 20?
I think he is quite funny….his hair stands up naturally… that’s wat he said….
What does this suggest of me when I do this kind of thing?
I think I am a very bad person because I got so many comments on many ppl….SORRY ..i apologise here….i don’t really like the qns on “ will u be in relationship with him/her?” cos y do u wan to know..its my privacy…. :) haha…
1 stella
2 susan
3 seng yen
4 lay hao
5 yan zhi
6 masselia
7 erwina
8 fannie
9 ying zhen
10 shu hui
11 holly
12 yong huan
13 kia kgoon
14 yu chen
15 li song
16 hakim
17 benjamin
18 yong nian
19 ronale
20 okky
Actually I got many ppl in my head ..but since u guys only wrote 20 then here’s the twenty ppl that blinks or maybe pops up in my head….
How did you meet 14?
I met her when the teacher ask everyone to introduce ourselves to the class. She is the first girl to say out her name since she sat on the first row and the first person counting from the left.
What would you do if you never met 1?
Maybe I will be a bit regret… cos she is the smartest, brilliant girl on EARTH!!! Actually I dunno wat will I do if I never met her…maybe I will not have any best fren which is as good as her. Without her maybe i will not survive through o level.....haha...
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
HAHA… that’s my first impression..i think it will be a great combination but not really will exist….
Did you ever like 19?
of course not. I will rather commit suicide…
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
I think they will make a good couple but too bad the no. 17 guy already got someone else in mind haha…
Describe 3.
Haha... I knew him in Form 1, He could be said is the first person I know who had the birthday date on 6/6 other than my sis and my dad. He is an intelligent, responsible , with good leadership guy. He likes to eat HOT stuff but then don’t like all kind of chilli sauces.. I think he is a bit weird in this sense….I think he had become much thinner and slimmer and more nice looking after staying in singapore for sometime….He is very gossipy sometimes. I think he likes chem very much… “HE is currently my closest friend in Singapore. He is in SAJC.” (this part is same as sy’s)
Do you think 8 is attractive?
Well quite attractive. But I only think it is ok …but dunno y many guys are falling for her…. I think u guys must be saying me that I am jealous of her but then it is not cos I know I got my own mei li n the guys that is falling for her is not nice either…I think she is a bit secretive and is hiding sth although she look kinda innocent….
Tell me something about 7?
I think she is a sociable girl with a lots of frens out ther…. She likes her boyfren very much….n she had a best fren which is a guy n she share most of the her secrets with him….She also share secrets wif me, n of course no one knew it except me ..not even her best fren cos she trusted me…but I don’t like the responsibilty of keeping secrets but then I will not say it out no matter wat…. She loves sport…n enthusiasm is all over her ..she is so energetic..her favourite sport is ROCK climbing…I am scared of this game…haha…
Do you know any of 12's family?
Not really. I just knew her only for the first few months but I think she had a brother and sister if I am not wrong.
What's 4's favourite?
She loves hong kong drama series….n also she likes the keropok which had her name on it ( LAY’S)
What would you do if 13 confesses that he/she likes you?
I would be very happy to hear that …………but not the kind of like which can surprised me haha I think u all noe wat I meant here….
What language does 15 speak?
Mostly chinese. He of course can speak ENGLISH. And he can speak hokkien too.
Who is 9 going out with?
Nobody? I dunno … maybe got..u noe la..everything is possible u noe..haha…
How old is 16 now?
As old as SY
When was the last time you talked to 11?
I think is the day before holiday when we just finish roaming and took neoprint in TM
Who's 2 favourite band/singer?
Erm... not reli sure..could be sam lee since stella said so. Sorry cos I didn’t get to update her profile in my dict….
Would you date 10?
I don’t think so…cos she is a girl…
What's 5's last name?
ZHI. She is a girl who loves to stone…..
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 18?
No no no. I think I will go crazy if it really comes true… but phew cos he had sb in mind liao ..haha
What school does 17 go to?
TPJC. My classmate and also my ex partner in the partnership game which is a failure….
Where does 6 live?
Singapore….Just in front of my school (tpjc)…she walks to school everyday..same as me!!! J
What's your favourite thing about 20?
I think he is quite funny….his hair stands up naturally… that’s wat he said….
What does this suggest of me when I do this kind of thing?
I think I am a very bad person because I got so many comments on many ppl….SORRY ..i apologise here….i don’t really like the qns on “ will u be in relationship with him/her?” cos y do u wan to know..its my privacy…. :) haha…
Friday, August 25, 2006
THese DaYs... chemical equation...
BUSY + TIRED + NOT Enough Sleep + LACk of mentality + Unluckiness + Clumsiness + Stupidity + Tests + Homeworks = GOING CRAZY VALERIE
Saturday, August 12, 2006
BOY : May I hold your hand?
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy.
GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??
SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss??
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth.
MAN : You remind me of the sea.
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.
WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.
MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What do u think, Peter?
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.
Teacher : "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"
Pupil : "A teacher
Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"
Customer : "What other colors do you have?"
Teacher : "Sam, you talk a lot !"
Sam : "It's a family tradition".
Teacher : "What do you mean?"
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".
Teacher : "What about your mother?"
Sam : "She's a woman".
Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?"
David: "You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated".
Teacher : " Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?"
One Student : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time."
Teacher : " George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him ?"
One Student: " Because George still had the axe in is hand."
this is wat stella send me n i think it is veri funny...:)
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy.
GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??
SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss??
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth.
MAN : You remind me of the sea.
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.
WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.
MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What do u think, Peter?
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.
Teacher : "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"
Pupil : "A teacher
Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"
Customer : "What other colors do you have?"
Teacher : "Sam, you talk a lot !"
Sam : "It's a family tradition".
Teacher : "What do you mean?"
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".
Teacher : "What about your mother?"
Sam : "She's a woman".
Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?"
David: "You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated".
Teacher : " Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?"
One Student : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time."
Teacher : " George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it. Now do you know why his father didn't punish him ?"
One Student: " Because George still had the axe in is hand."
this is wat stella send me n i think it is veri funny...:)
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Oh no....
Oh my this week is another busy week ..i think i will continue busy until the common test ...always only near the exam week then can rest....hai~ singapore life is just too challenge for me cos i am tat type which used to sleep n eat..haha...just loved the life i used to be in brunei(pig's life) ....i tell u wat i was busying on this week...ok mon night i was working on econs essay , then tuesday night i was working on the be insight and a bit maths sad couldn't finish tough...then tonight i think i will work on my EOM ( sy should noe wat this stand for ) after that maybe maths .... in the incoming thur which is a horrible day cos i got chem test n compo test then econs presentation and then many more in which i forgot le hehe...then friday i got physic test again ..woah i dunno whether i got the time to study lor..cos everyday burn midnight oil oso cannot finish my homework...sad...
One more thing i wanna say is that....AAAAAHHHH... shout first....haha... i am the incoming president of GAVEL club ...oh my....i think stella noe y i hai~ eh....i dunno y i got the post lor...i was hoping to get something small ..omg..still in shock mode...i haven make the preparation to take up such a big responsibility lor ...my god....the most scary part is that the membership part lor....some one can help me??? maybe that section u cannot help me but i know one part u guys can help me with...that is my speech lor .....my president speech during the GAVEL investiture...pls help me stella n sy ...please u guys is better in speeches especially sy..just roughly tell me wat i should say on that day lor....thanks a million....
One more thing i wanna say is that....AAAAAHHHH... shout first....haha... i am the incoming president of GAVEL club ...oh my....i think stella noe y i hai~ eh....i dunno y i got the post lor...i was hoping to get something small ..omg..still in shock mode...i haven make the preparation to take up such a big responsibility lor ...my god....the most scary part is that the membership part lor....some one can help me??? maybe that section u cannot help me but i know one part u guys can help me with...that is my speech lor .....my president speech during the GAVEL investiture...pls help me stella n sy ...please u guys is better in speeches especially sy..just roughly tell me wat i should say on that day lor....thanks a million....
Saturday, July 22, 2006
So long time no post oledi....
Busy busy busy…. This week is a totally exhausted week however it is a wonderful week though… the badminton tournament, in which I won a match …haha …can’t believe it oso and the happy thing is that I won “ singles”…the sad thing here is that our team only won two match out of five ; I won the women single and my fren, okky won men single , then my team lost the women doubles, men doubles and mixed double…. Then another team of our class oso won one match out of five matches which is the women doubles….haha but it is a memorable day cos all of our class took part n those who didn’t took part come to support us !!!!! Yesterday was the netball tournament , our class won three game out of five games …we thought we can go into the finals but then the person in charge told us that we didn’t qualified in terms of the points…although we didn’t managed to get into the finals, I felt that our class really done a great job cos we are not experts in playing those game but we tried our best to take part and this is the spirit of 06s09, right? I think part of the reason we always cannot go into the finals of these tournament becos everytime our opponent is so tough for example like national netballers and oso badminton experts…in which we cannot be compared to them…. O forgot to mention that the soccer team that had few of our 06s09 classmates won the game!! Woah..so shuang ..hahaha…Other than this tournaments which make me extra tired were the projects that are queuing for me to accomplish..hai~ I dunno y the econ teacher so like us to do project each and every week ….
Monday, July 03, 2006
Poem made by Benin Sabu (05S16) ,a tpjcian
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Common test finally over...
Wah... i can't believe that common test is over although after the hols i just test for two days but then it seems that it had been for years... i had sacrifice my sleeps for the common test and ended up so tired and so 晕 for the day after the exam ...however i didn't take afternoon nap although i seriously n wanted to take badly but then i got my gp assignment to do which is undone ..hai~ there goes my another night...feel like wanna to cry now.. today actually i can go back to take my afternoon nap after 2.10 pm but then suddenly my cca senior call me up n told me that my mentoring scheme had started ...omg i was shocked terribly n excited at the same time cos for two reason it is the first time i mentor ppl n i noe i will not do fine n i scared i will make ppl fail instead of pass haha...then next is that i had to mentor a sec 4 guy n it is a malay guy omg .... i went to the centre with my senior but then he didn't showed up which make my senior feeling sad cos she sad that everytime her mentee is not punctual or 放她飞机... but i had a fun afternoon with my fren holly laughing in the centre ...
On 27 june, i finish my chemistry test ..then i feel kinda down cos it is hard ...hai~ i dunno y i can't do most question .then i went with my frens , shu hui n ying zhen to tampines mall to eat our lunch there... i dunno wat happen to us but maybe we are too stress until we laugh n gossip n making all kind of stupid movements like the tampines mall is no men land haha..oh i forgot we oso attack century square n oso the mrt station as well as th shop that sell antiques n clothes( this fashion)
Today i feel very sad oso becos my physics paper pass back le ... actually i hoped i can get a pass but then i onli get a sub pass.. i really can't believe in my whole life i saw so many cross in my paper... but then the teacher our class average is E but there is oso ppl getting A ..which make me feel so 失败 lor..i tot today chinese teacher will pass back our paper but then he didn't showed up .... i dunno whertherit is a good news to me or not...i hope i can pass chem, maths, gp,econs, mtl...i dun wan to see another scene like physics ler although this cct only stand 10% but econs is different percent which i forgot ler hehe... sometimes i am thinking that is it that i am not suitable to study in sg?
i couldn't wait the youth day hol on 3rd july n we have only half day school until 12.50 the next day....i relli need a day to rest.....
On 27 june, i finish my chemistry test ..then i feel kinda down cos it is hard ...hai~ i dunno y i can't do most question .then i went with my frens , shu hui n ying zhen to tampines mall to eat our lunch there... i dunno wat happen to us but maybe we are too stress until we laugh n gossip n making all kind of stupid movements like the tampines mall is no men land haha..oh i forgot we oso attack century square n oso the mrt station as well as th shop that sell antiques n clothes( this fashion)
Today i feel very sad oso becos my physics paper pass back le ... actually i hoped i can get a pass but then i onli get a sub pass.. i really can't believe in my whole life i saw so many cross in my paper... but then the teacher our class average is E but there is oso ppl getting A ..which make me feel so 失败 lor..i tot today chinese teacher will pass back our paper but then he didn't showed up .... i dunno whertherit is a good news to me or not...i hope i can pass chem, maths, gp,econs, mtl...i dun wan to see another scene like physics ler although this cct only stand 10% but econs is different percent which i forgot ler hehe... sometimes i am thinking that is it that i am not suitable to study in sg?
i couldn't wait the youth day hol on 3rd july n we have only half day school until 12.50 the next day....i relli need a day to rest.....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Unlucky strikes me!!!
AH! times infinity
that is how much i want to shout today..if can i wan to shout out my lungs....hai~ one word which i dun like to say can describe my day today "SUCKs" the moment i open my eye today i got the sense of unluckyness ... i mean i relli smells it lor... the girl thing came i noe u all noe wat i mean...then i waited n waited n waited my lunch didn't came...u noe wat time it turned up or not? 2.30 pm eh..omg i almost fainted especially when i didn't had my breakfast even..then i tried to do my homework but ended up stucking all the way which make me sick of it ....then until evening i tried to relax through seeing tv but then it didn't work cos sucks programmes showed up n make me OMG!!! then when it comes to dinner time even worst my relative's car broke down with my dinner on it...sad..it made me waited n waited until 11 then i got dinner ..actually i wanted to eat first but the worst thing of all nothing could be eaten in the house..n of course i still haven had the courage to eat up the furniture like a monster...i tried to study too in which i forced myself to as i don't want to fail but then still i couldn't memorise anything ..omg i couldn't believe myself doin this ..hai~ nvm ...i hope tml will be another day for me....Before I go pls let me shout again..AH! times infinity
that is how much i want to shout today..if can i wan to shout out my lungs....hai~ one word which i dun like to say can describe my day today "SUCKs" the moment i open my eye today i got the sense of unluckyness ... i mean i relli smells it lor... the girl thing came i noe u all noe wat i mean...then i waited n waited n waited my lunch didn't came...u noe wat time it turned up or not? 2.30 pm eh..omg i almost fainted especially when i didn't had my breakfast even..then i tried to do my homework but ended up stucking all the way which make me sick of it ....then until evening i tried to relax through seeing tv but then it didn't work cos sucks programmes showed up n make me OMG!!! then when it comes to dinner time even worst my relative's car broke down with my dinner on it...sad..it made me waited n waited until 11 then i got dinner ..actually i wanted to eat first but the worst thing of all nothing could be eaten in the house..n of course i still haven had the courage to eat up the furniture like a monster...i tried to study too in which i forced myself to as i don't want to fail but then still i couldn't memorise anything ..omg i couldn't believe myself doin this ..hai~ nvm ...i hope tml will be another day for me....Before I go pls let me shout again..AH! times infinity
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Best Moments in our LIFE.>>
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing till your stomach hurts.
3. Enjoying a ride down the ocuntry side.
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio.
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
7. Passing your final exams with good grades.
8. Being part of an interesting conversation.
9. Finding some money in some old pants.
10. Laughing at yourself.
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.
12. Laughing without a reason.
13. "Accidentally" hearing someone say somthing good about you.
14. Watching the sunset.
15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.
16. Receiving or giving your first kiss.
17. Feeling this movement in your body when seeing this "special" someone.
18. Having a great time with your friends.
19. Seeing the one you love happy.
20. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume.
21. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories.
22. Hearing some telling you "I LOVE YOU"
"True friends come in the good times when we tell hem to, and come in the bad times.....without calling."
2. Laughing till your stomach hurts.
3. Enjoying a ride down the ocuntry side.
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio.
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
7. Passing your final exams with good grades.
8. Being part of an interesting conversation.
9. Finding some money in some old pants.
10. Laughing at yourself.
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.
12. Laughing without a reason.
13. "Accidentally" hearing someone say somthing good about you.
14. Watching the sunset.
15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.
16. Receiving or giving your first kiss.
17. Feeling this movement in your body when seeing this "special" someone.
18. Having a great time with your friends.
19. Seeing the one you love happy.
20. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume.
21. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories.
22. Hearing some telling you "I LOVE YOU"
"True friends come in the good times when we tell hem to, and come in the bad times.....without calling."
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hols is ending...
YOYOYOYO! ladies and gentlemen...lately i didn't update blog..lazy..hehe..hols is ending ..sad...at first i thought it was kinda long lor..but didn't noe that time flies like a rocket...this holiday i went back to brunei to see my family , frens ... on that day we meet in the mall ..wah many ppl changed a lot man everyone is getting thinner n thinner n me hai~ fatter sad man..y huh? they say sg can make u thin but i dunno y it make me fatter...another i go to school AAllll the teacher say me fat!!! of course i cannot accept it la but later oso had to accept it lor..cos it is FACT!maybe i sou le some da ji or sth la..then i start to eat many thing tat i cannot eat it in sg lor..haha..my mother saw me like that n say me " wah..u eat so many ..u revenge meh?" haha ..maybe i relli is revenge lor but i relli can't eat those in sg mahif no eat now have to wait another four months to eat them seems like a bit too long ...so nvm la..cos i am fat is fat la no matter wat i will not go thin..if one day i go thin ahahaha it will be miracle..trust me it is miracle...then another day i went to mdm yew 's house n eat bbq ..it is kinda fun ther talking although didn't tok much oso but i enjoy it especially when hearing mdm yew tok the stories...ah i forgot to say tat we went to the mall , we got eat the earthquake which is suddenly become oo small alreaady for that day haha cos too many ppl le..then we oso go eat the ahan thai restaurant which is delicious i thin go back to brunei i sure will go ther to eat again..the drink oso veri big ..worth to buy everyone...then on 17 i went to kl then today come back to sg it is kinda rush n wctually i can go to genting to play 1st but then cannot hai be cos of the stupid prject lor n oso my class outing oso la hehe...me cunning le..but it is kinda watse oso la to give up the chance to go to genting lor..cos not veri often we can go ther n relax n enjoy n play mah right...ok la i think i need to go to sleep ler hehe...my eyes is dropping ler...night night everybody..
Monday, May 29, 2006
Q 1:什麼星座的人最情緒化?
第 1名 處女座 1,573 票 17% 第 7名 牡羊座 613 票 6%
第 2名 巨蟹座 1,021 票 11% 第 8名 金牛座 605 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 958 票 10% 第 9名 射手座 598 票 6%
第 4名 雙子座 810 票 8% 第10名 天秤座 559 票 6%
第 5名 天蠍座 792 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 501 票 5%
第 6名 水瓶座 661 票 7% 第12名 魔羯座 364 票 4%
Q 2:什麼星座的人最有異性緣?
第 1名 獅子座 2,001 票 28% 第 7名 牡羊座 529 票 7%
第 2名 天秤座 746 票 10% 第 8名 水瓶座 342 票 4%
第 3名 雙魚座 652 票 9% 第 9名 金牛座 293 票 4%
第 4名 雙子座 595 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 278 票 3%
第 5名 天蠍座 568 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 249 票 3%
第 6名 射手座 564 票 8% 第12名 處女座 198 票 2%
Q 3:哪個星座的女生最難追?
第 1名 處女座 2,329 票 23% 第 7名 金牛座 720 票 7%
第 2名 天蠍座 1,426 票 14% 第 8名 射手座 566 票 5%
第 3名 魔羯座 862 票 8% 第 9名 天秤座 509 票 5%
第 4名 雙子座 807 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 452 票 4%
第 5名 水瓶座 780 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 399 票 3%
第 6名 獅子座 768 票 7% 第12名 雙魚座 398 票 3%
Q 4:哪個星座的人神經最大條?
第 1名 射手座 1,109 票 ; 22% 第 7名 水瓶座 332 票 6%
第 2名 牡羊座 680 票 13% 第 8名 魔羯座 305 票 6%
第 3名 獅子座 464 票 9% 第 9名 天秤座 278 票 5%
第 4名 雙魚座 436 票 8% 第10名 處女座 257 票 5%
第 5名 金牛座 402 票 8% 第11名 巨蟹座 219 票 4%
第 6名 雙子座 338 票 6% 第12名 天蠍座 191 票 3%
Q 5:哪個星座的人說話最毒?
第 1名 天蠍座 2,693 票 27% 第 7名 水瓶座 650 票 6%
第 2名 雙子座 1,121 票 11% 第 8名 牡羊座 637 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 1,031 票 10% 第 9名 天秤座 457 票 4%
第 4名 射手座 848 票 8% 第10名 金牛座 408 票 4%
第 5名 獅子座 704 票 7% 第11名 雙魚座 357 票 3%
第 6名 魔羯座 674 票 6% 第12名 巨蟹座 354 票 3%
Q 6:什麼星座的人最不喜歡受拘束?
第 1名 射手座 1,864 票 24% 第 7名 天蠍座 371 票 4%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,720 票 22% 第 8名 巨蟹座 358 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 811 票 10% 第 9名 雙魚座 301 票 4%
第 4名 獅子座 516 票 6% 第10名 處女座 214 票 2%
第 5ࡧ 7; 天秤座 495 票 6% 第11名 魔羯座 211 票 2%
第 6名 牡羊座 475 票 6% 第12名 金牛座 163 票 2%
Q 7:什麼星座的人最專情?
第 1名 魔羯座 2,366 票 27% 第 7名 水瓶座 407 票 4%
第 2名 處女座 1,059 票 12% 第 8名 雙魚座 393 票 4%
第 3名 天蠍座 932 票 10% 第 9名 牡羊座 376 票 4%
第 4名 金牛座 929 票 10% 第10名 射手座 374 票 4%
第 5名 巨蟹座 772 票 8% 第11名 天秤座 359 票 4%
第 6名 獅子座 436 票 4% 第12名 雙子座 329 票 3%
Q 8:哪個星座的人最懶惰?
第 1名 射手座 682 票 16% 第 7名 雙子座 296 票 7%
第 2名 金牛座 620 票 15% 第 8名 牡羊座 261 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 428 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 222 票 5%
第 4名 天秤座 343 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 221 票 5%
第 5名 獅子座 316 票 7% 第11名 魔羯座 201 票 4%
第 6名 水瓶座 314 票 7% 第12名 處女座 191 票 4%
Q 9:哪個星座的人最癡情?
第 1名 獅子座 1,771 票 17% 第 7名 牡羊座 669 票 6%
第 2名 雙魚座 1,481 票 15% 第 8名 處女座 604 票 6%
第 3名 巨蟹座 1,091 票 11% 第 9名 水瓶座 437 票 4%
第 4名 魔羯座 1,023 票 10% 第10名 射手座 427 票 4%
第 5名 天蠍座 1,017 票 10% 第11名 天秤座 284 票 2%
第 6名 金牛座 791 票 8% 第12名 雙子座 259 票 2%
第 1名 獅子座 1,704 票 29% 第 7名 魔羯座 246 票 4%
第 2名 天蠍座 1,373 票 23% 第 8名 牡羊座 220 票 3%
第 3名 處女座 439 票 7% 第 9名 雙子座 189 票 3%
第 4名 巨蟹座 438 票 7% 第10名 水瓶座 182 票 3%
第 5名 金牛座 371 票 6% 第11名 天秤座 181 票 3%
第 6名 雙魚座 302 票 5% 第12名 射手座 171 票 2%
第 1名 天蠍座 607 票 14% 第 7名 處女座 269 票 6%
第 2名 魔羯座 605 票 14% 第 8名 雙子座 261 票 6%
第 3名 水瓶座 534 票 12% 第 9名 金牛座 236 票 5%
第 4名 獅子座 528 票 12% 第10名 天秤座 186 票 4%
第 5名 射手座 495 票 11% 第11名 巨蟹座 133 票 3%
第 6名 牡羊座 308 票 7% 第12名 雙魚座 115 票 2%
第 1名 天秤座 884 票 12% 第 7名 射手座 528 票 7%
第 2名 雙魚座 799 票 11% 第 8名 水瓶座 479 票 6%
第 3名 雙子座 759 票 10% 第 9名 處女座 452 票 6%
第 4名 金牛座 747 票 10% 第10名 天蠍座 422 票 5%
第 5名 巨蟹座 600 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 415 票 5%
第 6名 獅子座 550 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 399 票 5%
第 1名 射手座 2,069 票 18% 第 7名 獅子座 588 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,696 票 14% 第 8名 牡羊座 491 票 4%
第 3名 天秤座 1,445 票 12% 第 9名 魔羯座 404 票 3%
第 4名 雙子座 1,437 票 12% 第10名 金牛座 366 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 1,365 票 11% 第11名 處女座 366 票 3%
第 6名 天蠍座 925 票 8% 第12名 巨蟹座 342 票 2%
第 1名 雙魚座 1,080 票 15% 第 7名 天秤座 519 票 7%
第 2名 雙子座 932 票 13% 第 8名 水瓶座 429 票 6%
第 3名 巨蟹座 793 票 11% 第 9名 金牛座 376 票 5%
第 4名 射手座 722 票 10% 第10名 魔羯座 339 票 4%
第 5名 處女座 598 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 318 票 4%
第 6名 天蠍座 542 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 281 票 4%
第 1名 天蠍座 827 票 16% 第 7名 雙魚座 300 票 6%
第 2名 獅子座 760 票 15% 第 8名 水瓶座 298 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 665 票 13% 第 9名 牡羊座 282 票 5%
第 4名 魔羯座 440 票 8% 第10名 天秤座 275 票 5%
第 5名 巨蟹座 329 票 6% 第11名 射手座 241 票 4%
第 6名 金牛座 319 票 6% 第12名 雙子座 219 票 4%
第 1名 雙子座 1,122 票 18% 第 7名 獅子座 372 票 6%
第 2名 射手座 1,072 票 17% 第 8名 天蠍座 336 票 5%
第 3名 水瓶座 624 票 10% 第 9名 雙魚座 305 票 4%
第 4名 巨蟹座 596 票 9% 第10名 魔羯座 217 票 3%
第 5名 牡羊座 585 票 9% 第11名 處女座 204 票 3%
第 6名 天秤座 562 票 9% 第12名 金牛座 189 票 3%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,037 票 19% 第 7名 金牛座 353 票 6%
第 2名 水瓶座 757 票 14% 第 8名 雙魚座 264 票 5%
第 3名 魔羯座 594 票 11% 第 9名 天秤座 259 票 4%
第 4名 處女座 434 票 8% 第10名 射手座 258 票 4%
第 5名 巨蟹座 426 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 247 票 4%
第 6名 雙子座 404 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 171 票 3%
第 1名 雙子座 1,204 票 21% 第 7名 獅子座 302 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,000 票 17% 第 8名 天蠍座 290 票 5%
第 3名 射手座 828 票 14% 第 9名 牡羊座 188 票 ; 3%
第 4名 天秤座 499 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 143 票 2%
第 5名 雙魚座 499 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 143 票 2%
第 6名 處女座 491 票 8% 第12名 金牛座 134 票 2%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,908 票 22% 第 7名 天秤座 486 票 5%
第 2名 巨蟹座 1,058 票 12% 第 8名 雙子座 410 票 4%
第 3名 獅子座 852 票 10% 第 9名 金牛座 374 票 4%
第 4名 射手座 803 票 9% 第10名 魔羯座 370 票 4%
第 5名 水瓶座 790 票 9% 第11名 雙魚座 349 票 4%
第 6名 牡羊座 585 票 7% 第12名 處女座 327 票 3%
第 1名 金牛座 918 票 15% 第 7名 水瓶座 412 票 6%
第 2名 魔羯座 770 票 13% 第 8名 天蠍座 406 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 766 票 12% 第 9名 射手座 330 票 5%
第 4名 巨蟹座 663 票 11% 第10名 獅子座 246 票 4%
第 5名 天秤座 481 票 8% 第11名 牡羊座 233 票 3%
第 6名 雙魚座 481 票 8% 第12名 雙子座 209 票 3%
第 1名 射手座 1,043 票 30% 第 7名 牡羊座 176 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 607 票 17% 第 8名 魔羯座 151 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 368 票 10% 第 9名 獅子座 139 票 4%
第 4名 雙魚座 240 票 7% 第10名 金牛座 113 票 3%
第 5名 天蠍座 196 票 5% 第11名 巨蟹座 92 票 2%
第 6名 天秤座 195 票 5% 第12名 處女座 90 票 2%
第 1名 水瓶座 1,279 票 15% 第 7名 天秤座 530 票 6%
第 2名 處女座 1,246 票 15% 第 8名 獅子座 504 票 6%
第 3名 魔羯座 1,081 票 13% 第 9名 雙子座 423 票 5%
第 4名 巨蟹座 846 票 10% 第10名 金牛座 383 票 4%
第 5名 射手座 665 票 8% 第11名 雙魚座 374 票 4%
第 6名 天蠍座 534 票 6% 第12名 牡羊座 370 票 4%
第 1名 射手座 968 票 19% 第 7名 獅子座 314 票 6%
第 2名 巨蟹座 851 票 16% 第 8名 天秤座 299 票 5%
第 3名 雙子座 504 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 286 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 491 票 9% 第10名 金牛座 214 票 4%
第 5名 雙魚座 380 票 7% 第11名 處女座 212 票 4%
第 6名 牡羊座 318 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 199 票 3%
第 1名 雙魚座 1,164 票 26% 第 7名 雙子座 208 票 4%
第 2名 巨蟹座 689 票 15% 第 8名 金牛座 196 票 4%
第 3名 處女座 674 票 15% 第 9名 射手座 190 票 4%
第 4名 天蠍座 269 票 6% 第10名 魔羯座 187 票 4%
第 5名 天秤座 261 票 5% 第11名 牡羊座 173 票 3%
第 6名 水瓶座 236 票 5% 第12名 獅子座 132 票 3%
第 1名 處女座 750 票 17% 第 7名 天秤座 263 票 6%
第 2名 雙魚座 718 票 16% 第 8名 水瓶座 185 票 4%
第 3名 巨蟹座 599 票 14% 第 9名 雙子座 122 票 2%
第 4名 魔羯座 568 票 13% 第10名 牡羊座 121 票 2%
第 5名 天蠍座 390 票 9% 第11名 獅子座 109 票 2%
第 6名 金牛座 316 票 7% 第12名 射手座 98 票 2%
第 1名 雙子座 783 票 20% 第 7名 處女座 251 票 6%
第 2名 天秤座 500 票 12% 第 8名 雙魚座 229 票 5%
第 3名 射手座 360 票 9% 第 9名 金牛座 228 票 5%
第 4名 魔羯座 356 票 9% 第10名 獅子座 221 票 5%
第 5名 水瓶座 276 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 199 票 5%
第 6名 天蠍座 271 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 184 票 4%
第 1名 雙魚座 885 票 16% 第 7名 金牛座 391 票 7%
第 2名 天秤座 697 票 12% 第 8名 處女座 348 票 6%
第 3名 水瓶座 608 票 11% 第 9名 巨蟹座 317 票 5%
第 4名 雙子座 544 票 10% 第10名 魔羯座 270 票 4%
第 5名 天蠍座 506 票 9% 第11名 牡羊座 224 票 4%
第 6名 射手座 420 票 7% 第12名 獅子座 213 票 3%
第 1名 天秤座 1,417 票 22% 第 7名 獅子座 381 票 6%
第 2名 天蠍座 791 票 12% 第 8名 雙子座 379 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 554 票 8% 第 9名 金牛座 376 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 519 票 8% 第10名 處女座 360 票 5%
第 5名 射手座 469 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 322 票 5%
第 6名 巨蟹座 440 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 308 票 4%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,331 票 17% 第 7名 魔羯座 558 票 7%
第 2名 射手座 1,274 票 16% 第 8名 雙子座 472 票 6%
第 3名 天秤座 903 票 11% 第 9名 獅子座 403 票 5%
第 4名 牡羊座 667 票 8% 第10名 處女座 306 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 659 票 8% 第11名 金牛座 285 票 3%
第 6名 水瓶座 577 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 285 票 3%
第 1名 獅子座 2,205 票 34% 第 7名 天秤座 385 票 6%
第 2名 射手座 579 票 9% 第 8名 水瓶座 307 票 4%
第 3名 天蠍座 553 票 8% 第 9名 魔羯座 245 票 ; 3%
第 4名 雙魚座 543 票 8% 第10名 金牛座 244 票 3%
第 5名 雙子座 496 票 7% 第11名 處女座 244 票 3%
第 1名 處女座 1,573 票 17% 第 7名 牡羊座 613 票 6%
第 2名 巨蟹座 1,021 票 11% 第 8名 金牛座 605 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 958 票 10% 第 9名 射手座 598 票 6%
第 4名 雙子座 810 票 8% 第10名 天秤座 559 票 6%
第 5名 天蠍座 792 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 501 票 5%
第 6名 水瓶座 661 票 7% 第12名 魔羯座 364 票 4%
Q 2:什麼星座的人最有異性緣?
第 1名 獅子座 2,001 票 28% 第 7名 牡羊座 529 票 7%
第 2名 天秤座 746 票 10% 第 8名 水瓶座 342 票 4%
第 3名 雙魚座 652 票 9% 第 9名 金牛座 293 票 4%
第 4名 雙子座 595 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 278 票 3%
第 5名 天蠍座 568 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 249 票 3%
第 6名 射手座 564 票 8% 第12名 處女座 198 票 2%
Q 3:哪個星座的女生最難追?
第 1名 處女座 2,329 票 23% 第 7名 金牛座 720 票 7%
第 2名 天蠍座 1,426 票 14% 第 8名 射手座 566 票 5%
第 3名 魔羯座 862 票 8% 第 9名 天秤座 509 票 5%
第 4名 雙子座 807 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 452 票 4%
第 5名 水瓶座 780 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 399 票 3%
第 6名 獅子座 768 票 7% 第12名 雙魚座 398 票 3%
Q 4:哪個星座的人神經最大條?
第 1名 射手座 1,109 票 ; 22% 第 7名 水瓶座 332 票 6%
第 2名 牡羊座 680 票 13% 第 8名 魔羯座 305 票 6%
第 3名 獅子座 464 票 9% 第 9名 天秤座 278 票 5%
第 4名 雙魚座 436 票 8% 第10名 處女座 257 票 5%
第 5名 金牛座 402 票 8% 第11名 巨蟹座 219 票 4%
第 6名 雙子座 338 票 6% 第12名 天蠍座 191 票 3%
Q 5:哪個星座的人說話最毒?
第 1名 天蠍座 2,693 票 27% 第 7名 水瓶座 650 票 6%
第 2名 雙子座 1,121 票 11% 第 8名 牡羊座 637 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 1,031 票 10% 第 9名 天秤座 457 票 4%
第 4名 射手座 848 票 8% 第10名 金牛座 408 票 4%
第 5名 獅子座 704 票 7% 第11名 雙魚座 357 票 3%
第 6名 魔羯座 674 票 6% 第12名 巨蟹座 354 票 3%
Q 6:什麼星座的人最不喜歡受拘束?
第 1名 射手座 1,864 票 24% 第 7名 天蠍座 371 票 4%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,720 票 22% 第 8名 巨蟹座 358 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 811 票 10% 第 9名 雙魚座 301 票 4%
第 4名 獅子座 516 票 6% 第10名 處女座 214 票 2%
第 5ࡧ 7; 天秤座 495 票 6% 第11名 魔羯座 211 票 2%
第 6名 牡羊座 475 票 6% 第12名 金牛座 163 票 2%
Q 7:什麼星座的人最專情?
第 1名 魔羯座 2,366 票 27% 第 7名 水瓶座 407 票 4%
第 2名 處女座 1,059 票 12% 第 8名 雙魚座 393 票 4%
第 3名 天蠍座 932 票 10% 第 9名 牡羊座 376 票 4%
第 4名 金牛座 929 票 10% 第10名 射手座 374 票 4%
第 5名 巨蟹座 772 票 8% 第11名 天秤座 359 票 4%
第 6名 獅子座 436 票 4% 第12名 雙子座 329 票 3%
Q 8:哪個星座的人最懶惰?
第 1名 射手座 682 票 16% 第 7名 雙子座 296 票 7%
第 2名 金牛座 620 票 15% 第 8名 牡羊座 261 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 428 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 222 票 5%
第 4名 天秤座 343 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 221 票 5%
第 5名 獅子座 316 票 7% 第11名 魔羯座 201 票 4%
第 6名 水瓶座 314 票 7% 第12名 處女座 191 票 4%
Q 9:哪個星座的人最癡情?
第 1名 獅子座 1,771 票 17% 第 7名 牡羊座 669 票 6%
第 2名 雙魚座 1,481 票 15% 第 8名 處女座 604 票 6%
第 3名 巨蟹座 1,091 票 11% 第 9名 水瓶座 437 票 4%
第 4名 魔羯座 1,023 票 10% 第10名 射手座 427 票 4%
第 5名 天蠍座 1,017 票 10% 第11名 天秤座 284 票 2%
第 6名 金牛座 791 票 8% 第12名 雙子座 259 票 2%
第 1名 獅子座 1,704 票 29% 第 7名 魔羯座 246 票 4%
第 2名 天蠍座 1,373 票 23% 第 8名 牡羊座 220 票 3%
第 3名 處女座 439 票 7% 第 9名 雙子座 189 票 3%
第 4名 巨蟹座 438 票 7% 第10名 水瓶座 182 票 3%
第 5名 金牛座 371 票 6% 第11名 天秤座 181 票 3%
第 6名 雙魚座 302 票 5% 第12名 射手座 171 票 2%
第 1名 天蠍座 607 票 14% 第 7名 處女座 269 票 6%
第 2名 魔羯座 605 票 14% 第 8名 雙子座 261 票 6%
第 3名 水瓶座 534 票 12% 第 9名 金牛座 236 票 5%
第 4名 獅子座 528 票 12% 第10名 天秤座 186 票 4%
第 5名 射手座 495 票 11% 第11名 巨蟹座 133 票 3%
第 6名 牡羊座 308 票 7% 第12名 雙魚座 115 票 2%
第 1名 天秤座 884 票 12% 第 7名 射手座 528 票 7%
第 2名 雙魚座 799 票 11% 第 8名 水瓶座 479 票 6%
第 3名 雙子座 759 票 10% 第 9名 處女座 452 票 6%
第 4名 金牛座 747 票 10% 第10名 天蠍座 422 票 5%
第 5名 巨蟹座 600 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 415 票 5%
第 6名 獅子座 550 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 399 票 5%
第 1名 射手座 2,069 票 18% 第 7名 獅子座 588 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,696 票 14% 第 8名 牡羊座 491 票 4%
第 3名 天秤座 1,445 票 12% 第 9名 魔羯座 404 票 3%
第 4名 雙子座 1,437 票 12% 第10名 金牛座 366 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 1,365 票 11% 第11名 處女座 366 票 3%
第 6名 天蠍座 925 票 8% 第12名 巨蟹座 342 票 2%
第 1名 雙魚座 1,080 票 15% 第 7名 天秤座 519 票 7%
第 2名 雙子座 932 票 13% 第 8名 水瓶座 429 票 6%
第 3名 巨蟹座 793 票 11% 第 9名 金牛座 376 票 5%
第 4名 射手座 722 票 10% 第10名 魔羯座 339 票 4%
第 5名 處女座 598 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 318 票 4%
第 6名 天蠍座 542 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 281 票 4%
第 1名 天蠍座 827 票 16% 第 7名 雙魚座 300 票 6%
第 2名 獅子座 760 票 15% 第 8名 水瓶座 298 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 665 票 13% 第 9名 牡羊座 282 票 5%
第 4名 魔羯座 440 票 8% 第10名 天秤座 275 票 5%
第 5名 巨蟹座 329 票 6% 第11名 射手座 241 票 4%
第 6名 金牛座 319 票 6% 第12名 雙子座 219 票 4%
第 1名 雙子座 1,122 票 18% 第 7名 獅子座 372 票 6%
第 2名 射手座 1,072 票 17% 第 8名 天蠍座 336 票 5%
第 3名 水瓶座 624 票 10% 第 9名 雙魚座 305 票 4%
第 4名 巨蟹座 596 票 9% 第10名 魔羯座 217 票 3%
第 5名 牡羊座 585 票 9% 第11名 處女座 204 票 3%
第 6名 天秤座 562 票 9% 第12名 金牛座 189 票 3%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,037 票 19% 第 7名 金牛座 353 票 6%
第 2名 水瓶座 757 票 14% 第 8名 雙魚座 264 票 5%
第 3名 魔羯座 594 票 11% 第 9名 天秤座 259 票 4%
第 4名 處女座 434 票 8% 第10名 射手座 258 票 4%
第 5名 巨蟹座 426 票 8% 第11名 獅子座 247 票 4%
第 6名 雙子座 404 票 7% 第12名 牡羊座 171 票 3%
第 1名 雙子座 1,204 票 21% 第 7名 獅子座 302 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,000 票 17% 第 8名 天蠍座 290 票 5%
第 3名 射手座 828 票 14% 第 9名 牡羊座 188 票 ; 3%
第 4名 天秤座 499 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 143 票 2%
第 5名 雙魚座 499 票 8% 第11名 魔羯座 143 票 2%
第 6名 處女座 491 票 8% 第12名 金牛座 134 票 2%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,908 票 22% 第 7名 天秤座 486 票 5%
第 2名 巨蟹座 1,058 票 12% 第 8名 雙子座 410 票 4%
第 3名 獅子座 852 票 10% 第 9名 金牛座 374 票 4%
第 4名 射手座 803 票 9% 第10名 魔羯座 370 票 4%
第 5名 水瓶座 790 票 9% 第11名 雙魚座 349 票 4%
第 6名 牡羊座 585 票 7% 第12名 處女座 327 票 3%
第 1名 金牛座 918 票 15% 第 7名 水瓶座 412 票 6%
第 2名 魔羯座 770 票 13% 第 8名 天蠍座 406 票 6%
第 3名 處女座 766 票 12% 第 9名 射手座 330 票 5%
第 4名 巨蟹座 663 票 11% 第10名 獅子座 246 票 4%
第 5名 天秤座 481 票 8% 第11名 牡羊座 233 票 3%
第 6名 雙魚座 481 票 8% 第12名 雙子座 209 票 3%
第 1名 射手座 1,043 票 30% 第 7名 牡羊座 176 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 607 票 17% 第 8名 魔羯座 151 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 368 票 10% 第 9名 獅子座 139 票 4%
第 4名 雙魚座 240 票 7% 第10名 金牛座 113 票 3%
第 5名 天蠍座 196 票 5% 第11名 巨蟹座 92 票 2%
第 6名 天秤座 195 票 5% 第12名 處女座 90 票 2%
第 1名 水瓶座 1,279 票 15% 第 7名 天秤座 530 票 6%
第 2名 處女座 1,246 票 15% 第 8名 獅子座 504 票 6%
第 3名 魔羯座 1,081 票 13% 第 9名 雙子座 423 票 5%
第 4名 巨蟹座 846 票 10% 第10名 金牛座 383 票 4%
第 5名 射手座 665 票 8% 第11名 雙魚座 374 票 4%
第 6名 天蠍座 534 票 6% 第12名 牡羊座 370 票 4%
第 1名 射手座 968 票 19% 第 7名 獅子座 314 票 6%
第 2名 巨蟹座 851 票 16% 第 8名 天秤座 299 票 5%
第 3名 雙子座 504 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 286 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 491 票 9% 第10名 金牛座 214 票 4%
第 5名 雙魚座 380 票 7% 第11名 處女座 212 票 4%
第 6名 牡羊座 318 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 199 票 3%
第 1名 雙魚座 1,164 票 26% 第 7名 雙子座 208 票 4%
第 2名 巨蟹座 689 票 15% 第 8名 金牛座 196 票 4%
第 3名 處女座 674 票 15% 第 9名 射手座 190 票 4%
第 4名 天蠍座 269 票 6% 第10名 魔羯座 187 票 4%
第 5名 天秤座 261 票 5% 第11名 牡羊座 173 票 3%
第 6名 水瓶座 236 票 5% 第12名 獅子座 132 票 3%
第 1名 處女座 750 票 17% 第 7名 天秤座 263 票 6%
第 2名 雙魚座 718 票 16% 第 8名 水瓶座 185 票 4%
第 3名 巨蟹座 599 票 14% 第 9名 雙子座 122 票 2%
第 4名 魔羯座 568 票 13% 第10名 牡羊座 121 票 2%
第 5名 天蠍座 390 票 9% 第11名 獅子座 109 票 2%
第 6名 金牛座 316 票 7% 第12名 射手座 98 票 2%
第 1名 雙子座 783 票 20% 第 7名 處女座 251 票 6%
第 2名 天秤座 500 票 12% 第 8名 雙魚座 229 票 5%
第 3名 射手座 360 票 9% 第 9名 金牛座 228 票 5%
第 4名 魔羯座 356 票 9% 第10名 獅子座 221 票 5%
第 5名 水瓶座 276 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 199 票 5%
第 6名 天蠍座 271 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 184 票 4%
第 1名 雙魚座 885 票 16% 第 7名 金牛座 391 票 7%
第 2名 天秤座 697 票 12% 第 8名 處女座 348 票 6%
第 3名 水瓶座 608 票 11% 第 9名 巨蟹座 317 票 5%
第 4名 雙子座 544 票 10% 第10名 魔羯座 270 票 4%
第 5名 天蠍座 506 票 9% 第11名 牡羊座 224 票 4%
第 6名 射手座 420 票 7% 第12名 獅子座 213 票 3%
第 1名 天秤座 1,417 票 22% 第 7名 獅子座 381 票 6%
第 2名 天蠍座 791 票 12% 第 8名 雙子座 379 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 554 票 8% 第 9名 金牛座 376 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 519 票 8% 第10名 處女座 360 票 5%
第 5名 射手座 469 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 322 票 5%
第 6名 巨蟹座 440 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 308 票 4%
第 1名 天蠍座 1,331 票 17% 第 7名 魔羯座 558 票 7%
第 2名 射手座 1,274 票 16% 第 8名 雙子座 472 票 6%
第 3名 天秤座 903 票 11% 第 9名 獅子座 403 票 5%
第 4名 牡羊座 667 票 8% 第10名 處女座 306 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 659 票 8% 第11名 金牛座 285 票 3%
第 6名 水瓶座 577 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 285 票 3%
第 1名 獅子座 2,205 票 34% 第 7名 天秤座 385 票 6%
第 2名 射手座 579 票 9% 第 8名 水瓶座 307 票 4%
第 3名 天蠍座 553 票 8% 第 9名 魔羯座 245 票 ; 3%
第 4名 雙魚座 543 票 8% 第10名 金牛座 244 票 3%
第 5名 雙子座 496 票 7% 第11名 處女座 244 票 3%
How to treat a GF...
Hey guys, this is how you should treat your girlfriend
Ladies, if your boyfriend doesn't treat you like this, Then send it to them or print it out and send it to em'. And if you dont got a man, make sure you find one that will treat you like this! This is really sweet! Aww!
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Put your arms around her waist and whisper in her ear
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Make her feel wanted every chance you get
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Hold her close when she's cold
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
When you are alone hold her close and kiss her
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Kiss her on the tip of her nose (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss them)
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin and kiss her lightly
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
When she complains that her neck/ shoulders hurts massage it for her
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
When people diss her stand up for her
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Lay down under the stars and out her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens
to you
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸°º¤ø
Sunday, May 28, 2006
This dog is a genius
A butcher in his shop, and he's real busy, and he notices a dog in the shop. He shoos him away. But later, he notices the dog is back again. So he goes over to the dog, and notices he has a note in his mouth. He takes the note, and it reads "Can I have12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well."The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten pound note there. So he takes the money, and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is well impressed, and since it's close to closing time, he decides to shut up shop and follow the dog. So off he goes.The dog is walking down the street, when he comes to a level crossing. The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way.The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided.Along comes a bus. The dog walks around the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat. Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus.The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog looking at the scenery. Eventually he gets up, and moves to the front of the bus. He stands on 2 back paws and pushes the button to stop the bus. Then he gets off, his groceries still in his mouth.Well, dog and butcher are walking along the road, and then the dog turns into a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step. Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whap!- against the door. He goes back down the path, runs up to the door and -Whap!- throws himself against it again. There's no answer at the house, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to the window, and beats his head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, and waits at the door.The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts laying into the dog. Kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him.The butcher runs up, and stops the guy. "What the hell are you doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for heaven's sake!", to which the guy responds... "Genius me butt - this is the second time this week that he's forgotten his key!"
hols start le ..yippee
yeah!!!! holiday start oledi but then i still have to go to school for the stupid extra lecture lessson lor...sad la...but nvm after this weeek i will be back in my hometown brunei le ...very excited ..dunno wat i should bring back ...clothes ...books ...wah..a lot of things to pack....flashing back b4 the hols ..my econs ok la ..still can make it but thinking of physics relli sad la ..i think will fail la ...wat should i do ????? let the god to decide lor ..i oledi 尽力了 ...... n ther is two more test to come ...chem n maths....have to 加油了。。。。
Saturday, May 20, 2006
COMMON test is comin
common test is comin!!!!!!! hai~ have to buck up n study ..but today i spent a bit of time to say the months event cos i have no time to publish since the day i make this blog..haha....so now have to 一口气写完啰!have to study le so next time write again...y the test dun after hol test a mking ppl'life difficult only....
chem spa
ok that day say until physics spa of course had to say chem one oso..eveyrthng was fine but the STUPID colour change ...i saw that it is peach colour how do i noe which colour to write yellow or pink...hai~the teacher even say it is easy ...i agreed but then colour is veri the yuan wang mah...cos not everyone got the same colour some got yellow n pink but i got peach ..who on earth will sb tell me wat colour is that....
sea sports carnival
wah...i now then noe that dragonboating is a veri tough thing..that's why ppl who is the dragonboat team is so strong and muscular..can understand now ler...haha...i row until half dead ler..until the half journey i relli had no strength but because of the class i just row la dun care how much pain is in my arm ...On this day oso my physics spa ...y the ppl hao suan bu suan le the disc disc thing ..y everytime have to make me suffer le...the qi shi ren part is not the doin the expt is that when i plot my graph ...the GRAPH IS NOT NICE TO LOOK AT!!!!! it is so qi shi ren lor....but nvm la it is over le....
yin hao's bithday
he is so lucky lor..his birthday falls on the lord's birhtday nthen he got test then next day no school...nextoso no school, i forgot is bout wat le ..but kinda bu gan yan cos he got so many hols n i don't have so sad... i oso addmitted to the hospital before his birhtday ...but i was out when it is his birhtday la..then we go to the jurong bird park to eat japanese food ..in which i don't relli like cos noe la i don't like japanese food....the food is terrayaki pan i think..haha..the chef is kinda humourous ...he answered every question we ask lor..haha.,..maybe we are too talkative already...haha.....although i bu gan yan at his birthday but then it is still a wonderful day la...
library night & tpjc runway
we oso took a lot of pics here but then i haven find the teachers to get them.....this night is the night wher ppl sings and show all their talents..our whole class came and stay until veri late ...n our teacher miss leow even treat us to macdonalds... As for the tpjc runway is a great sucess cause the designs are wonderful...great minds of tpjc art students.....tonight we oso stay up veri the late too....
the tpjc carnival...

This is the first time i and my frens organise a booth..it is veri fun...although i think our booth games is kind of weird ..haha....let me explain wat it is all about ...it is the aiming of candle with a syringe....seng yen came to the my school ....and oso my first three months frens ..sy and i go around the school and played many of the booths ..haha i am veri happy that i won many games....then when it is almost at the end of the carnival the whole classs seems to go crazy cause everyone is splashing water at everyone ....haha...we eat things too..poke the balloons..n we seems like sot sot ppl in other ppl's eyes.....it is relli a memorable day..oh i almost forgot that day we oso took a neoprint...FUN is the word for that day....
Saturday, May 06, 2006
kinda happy today cos got a blogspot like everyone else..........dunno wat will i post next time ...haha..i am talking crap here ....nothing to write actually...
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