Sunday, September 19, 2010


Tomorrow going back to SEREMBAN!

hmmm, the tiredness don't seems to go away!

Not because i done much, i think i done too much repeated stuff ( u know what i mean if u are around me all the time)

All well, at least i rested.

It time to back to work!

Back to serve people!

Monday, September 13, 2010


i always wanted to really understand this word.
I realised that this is the most important thing and it is lacking in me.
I sometimes think that maybe i only lack of passion in some things.
But as i get older i am not that passionate to any of the things around me.
I become very NOT ambitious.
No passion in everything i do.
that's why there no much improvement in my progress

Although i realise that , when did i lost it. and how can i get it back?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paediatric Ward (medical)

Inspired to write this post after reading my senior Venus's post about this ward.
hmmmm actually i didn't intend to write about this week's experience because i don't really like it.
After reading the blog post, i found somebody that had similar thoughts about this ward. not all but almost all.

It is not that i don't like children. It is jus that i forgot how to play with children. Recallin, Last time i was sort of "PRO" in dealing with children, but as time past, the lesser the children population around me. Things Change. I expect a 12 years old to be more mature. I expect children to tell me what they wan instead of me guessing it. Oh well, i need to face the truth too, i am old and rusty now.

Just like what venus said. i do nothing but to take vital signs and wait for another round. and play with newborns ( which are easier to please) Other than that i doesn't feel like getting involve with toddlers nor children. Scream is not the scary part, Dunno how their brain works is the Problem. They doesn't need to catch a breath when crying, when feeling discomfort and THey will do whatever they can to get u out of their sight. but when they are feeling fine as they are healing, totally changed, clinged on u and wanted to play with u. I am confused.
I don't think i am like that when i am sick. I am shy all the way.

I think i need more time to adapt instead of only two weeks.
Sigh, With parents beside them 24-7, makes me dunno how to interact with the child more openly/casually. There is barrier from my side. U know la, child is the most precious thing for the parents.however, those i seen in the ward this week is harsh to their child. Forcing them to drink water. hitting (softly) on the cheeks for not drinking. Some didn't show love to their child. giving maggi and keropok to 18 month old child. OMG O-O. dunno what to say. This particular parent i should say is that she had too many children until she do not appreciates them at all.
Some parents really love the children until the child can do anything to him (father) for example combing his short hair making it into ponytail. What a scene. Can't imagine my dad to let me do that. Too little discipline i should say to this family.

Hopefully next week in the same ward i'll be more active. and get my case. and be more brave to face both the parents and child.


Taken from Venus's blog:
"Paediatric Ward by venus
One week is all it takes to kill me but I still have two more weeks with these living thing we call 'children'. That means by the end of two weeks, I'll be worse than dead. I dread vital signs soooo much. I just have to walk near them and they will start screaming. Putting the thermometer under their arms was like stabbing them continuously with a jagged edge dagger. Taking their blood pressure is as if I'm breaking their bones and crushing their flesh. So what do I do after vital signs as 9am? Nothing. You want me to go talk to them? Play with them? Please...I just want the ward to be quiet until the next vital signs.

What's the most upsetting event? Parent thinking I'm tormenting her precious 11th child. I'm like...gimme a break. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm not going to be gentle and gugu gaga with your child when she's all violent and abusive. Medication has to be administered. Then? Tak payah give? Who's gonna give? Doctors? Right. You slowly wait la. Then ask why can't discharge home, why haven't recover, why this why that. Yee...over protective parents make me...what's the word? Loya. Yeah, that's the word. This is one heck of a ward I find tougher than psychiatric ward. Children...argh!!!

What is my consolation? The gay doctor is in my ward! Yay! I was thrilled to see his oily hair after a year until I realize he is gay no more. Hmm...people changed huh? He is more funny when he's gay. names here. Another interesting thing is to watch a lady administering asthma puff to her baby with a chamber. The 6 month old child lying oblivious on the soft bed. The lady jab the chamber abruptly onto her tiny face, sent her frail body sinking into the bed. Her tiny hands were all over the place. Lol..."

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Facebook | 几分钟电话里的电话,你有什么感想?





大二 大三












看到这篇日志,我默默流泪,所以就转了。不是我多愁善感,是咱欠爸妈的太多,太多... ...

Friday, September 03, 2010

BBQ thanks to the chefs!

BIG thanks to CALVIN, SU YEE, AMY and the rest who work hard for the food making process especially the charcoal and smoke part. GREAT WORK!

PICTURES will show u the nice moments of the night!
I took pictures with RAchel's lovely camera, makes me wan to buy one. sadly no CASH!

1st week in SCN~

Haha. i am back in KL again! but only for the weekends nia.
After that got to get back and deal with a new setting. this time is gonna deal with kids.. hmmm i dunno whether can handle them or not le?

Oh well let's get back to where i been to in this week!
SCN special care newborns.
newborns are everywhere.
There are three rooms for newborns.
1st incubator babies which is jus born.
2nd room, the most stable babies.
3rd room, phototherapy room for jaundice babies.

This is the first time i handle babies. the last time i guess is when i was still very young holding my sisters... hmm doesn't consider know how to handle cos i am a big baby at that time too.
Babies is actually very easy to take care. because they only had a few concerns. COLD, HUNGRY, POOPOO, PAIN, DISCOMFORT And the only way to tell us adults are to cry!

It is annoying in the sense that every baby had different type or should i say different sound of cry. Some have High pitch especially preterm babies and it is very irritating to the ear u know and when they really cry very hard it is very painful to hear.
Only one baby gave a cry that i from the day i live until now i think it is a normal baby cry. maybe because she is older.

Today a lot of baby cry. First of all because they were being 'poke' by doctors for blood taking. So when we are trying to bath them, they were shaking and crying continously upon touch. So pity them. Next thing is that the baby is on tube feeding so they feel very hungry as nothing goes thru the mouth and goes straight to the stomach. So need to feed them a bit of milk in the mouth to make them stop crying.

Holding the baby is so nice but they were so heavy to hold unless u are holding preterm one. They are so soft and delicate and very nice to touch ESPECIALLY the hair!!! OMG love the hair and FACE. but some babies do have peeling skin which is slightly rough but overall is SO CUTE with the eyes big big and hands and feet small small. LOVES them.

Compared with my friends experience in other wards me with the babies is the best!!!!