Sunday, August 09, 2009


i realised that i never post a blog since the time i landed in malaysia... maybe due to it is a bit rush, and the next day i need to do a lot of cleaning, packing, filling up the empty frigde, prepare the next day class ( by printing notes) plus wanted to meet up with susan, so everything seems to be RUSH RUSH RUSH, it seems like yesterday i baru landed here but obviously not

Many things past but i still could remember the TAXI driver who miss a junction at the lebuhraya while sending me back to my condo. Remember the way he say " AIYA! i miss a junction" and this cause him to turn a big round to get back on track.

SEM 3 so far, is kinda very packed... the timetable especially.
from 8 straight to 6/7
then accompanied by presentations' discussion which always dragged until 7.30
reached home super tired le, still had to make some simple dinner, wash clothes ( puttin them into the washing machine), print notes( due to my STUPID printer, it usually take a long time to finish)... study a bit... then SUPER tired then flung to the bed...
The process is continously repeating itself until today
cause tomolo the process shortens a bit but due to upcoming test, it still looks the same
This sem 3 i was infested with all kind of SYSTEM diseases
Flow charts everyway
All clinical symptoms seems the same,
tidak tahu how to differentiate one and the other,
trying the very best
hopefully everything lancar
in reaching my litttle brain!

Talking about sleep, i really cannot have less sleep
i will surely either cannot listen anything in class or couldn't wake in the morning
i am SINCERELY "pei fu" those who only sleep for <4 hrs a day especially MY sis and SY

These days, practical starts to get more...
I learn how to do ECG, and get one myself, DOne some CPR which is EXHAUSTIVE especially after 5 rounds
Done some scenarios, woah, So STRESS and look a bit like real situation!
GOING TO learn NG tubing soon, and many more to come , HAHA so excited!

P.S going to put some pics soon!

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