Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year Resolutions for 2009

According to my brain,
I had never really get down to list a new year resolution before... but to make this year different... i decided to list one..
2009 Resolutions:
1) To finish SEM 2 Smoothly which includes OSCE of cos. *worries*
2) Avoid Eating too much.
3) Clean My Apartment Regularly. So STOP being LAzy!!
4) Enjoy life MORE!
5) Meet new Friends. Social Circle Expansion needed here.
6) Update Blogs regularly. *hopefully more meaningful ones*
7) Delete those unhealthyhabits
8) Improve on my Assignments. Make more effort on it.
9) Possibly find part time job during hols. ( least likely to be achieved as i always went back to brunei during hols)

Below is the reason for people who never writes New year Resolutions

Despite that, there are many people who did write NY resolutions,

So ....

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