Friday, September 19, 2008


hahahahaha.. today is so funny...
IMU have many ECA clubs.. and they invited all the new members to thier welcoming party...
And every club have FREE FOODS!!! best part.. and me and my frens(dun say name better la cos it is not something proud) went to all those clubs that provide free food starting from campus club, dance club , taichi club, hellenkeller society and so on... of cos in separate days...
and today we went to taichi and hellenkeller society..
suddenly discuss about our act.. we are jus like PARASITE.. we are called the parasite club.. at first we didn't called that way.. we are called " free food club"
but we realised that parasite fits us more... because the Clubs that provide us food is our HOST.. and when we ate finish all thier food we went to another HOST.. when their is no host left we retreat... hahaha

P.S stupid library door which almost clamped me.

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